February 3rd - Sean Iverson VP, Global Marketing & Product Management - NDD Medical Technologies

Feb 3, 2021, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)


Learn critical techniques necessary to successfully achieve a digital marketing transformation within a corporation.

About this event

The Disruptor: My Life as Marketing Bad Cop

Effectively upgrading corporate marketing functions to leverage the latest digital marketing tools and processes frequently requires herculean effort and significant cultural change. This evolution can often be perceived as threatening by the "old guard" within a corporation. I'll review what's commonly included in these types of digital marketing uplifts, as well as share some of the more useful change management techniques I’ve used to build support and facilitate necessary change.  


  • Sean Iverson

    NDD Medical Technologies

    VP Global Marketing & Product Management


  • Matthew Probst


    Board Member, BYU MS Boston Chapter

  • James Johnston

    Johnston Co.

    President, BYU MS Boston Chapter

  • Stephen Patterson


    Board Member, BYU MS Boston Chapter

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