Lexington Evening Mar 11 with Matt Allen

Mar 12, 2021, 12:30 – 1:30 AM (UTC)


Family Entrepreneurship: What Families Should and Should Not Do to Build Entrepreneurial Mindsets in the Next Generation. Matt is a professor at Babson, focused on families in business. He got his start in his father's business and worked at IBM and Hewlett Packard. He has degrees from BYU, Notre Dame, and Cornell. Global business families consult him for guidance.

About this event

An astounding recent research report from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor revealed that worldwide,  nearly 75% of start-ups are formed by families, not individuals. The level of family involvement in start-ups continues years into the establishment of the business. This finding turns our understanding of entrepreneurship on its head. Entrepreneurship, long thought to be the work of “rugged individuals,” is actually a family affair. When we talk about entrepreneurship, we need to talk about family entrepreneurship. What we see in textbooks and TED talks represents the minority, not the majority.

What do we actually know about families and entrepreneurship? In this session we will talk about what research tells us about why families should be more successful at entrepreneurship and more specifically, what families can do to promote entrepreneurship in the home for the next generation. As parents, many of us would like to see our kids adopt entrepreneurial principles and an entrepreneurial approach to life even if they don’t start a business. Research shows that successful families actually hinder that effort in some ways. Come and learn what to do, and what to avoid, as you teach your kids how to be entrepreneurial problem solvers.


  • Matt Allen

    Babson College

    Assoc. Prof. of Entrepreneurship,


  • James Cannon Johnston

    Johnston Co.



  • Matt Probst



  • Matthew Probst


    Board Member, BYU MS Boston Chapter

  • James Johnston

    Johnston Co.

    President, BYU MS Boston Chapter

  • Stephen Patterson


    Board Member, BYU MS Boston Chapter

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