Descubra Qual é a Fórmula do Sucesso com James W. Ritchie

Apr 24, 2021, 11:00 PM – Apr 25, 2021, 12:00 AM (UTC)

Brazil Londrina, PR

Descubra Qual é a Fórmula do Sucesso com James W. Ritchie (Discover what is the Formula of Success With James W. Ritchie) Mais de 26 empresas de sucesso, Vice-presidente sênior da FranklinCovey, Fundador do The Ritchie Group L.C.

About this event

A BYU Management Society (capítulos Londrina e Amazonas) te convidam a participar do evento A FÓRMULA DO SUCESSO com o palestrante JAMES W. RITCHIE, no dia 24 de abril, as 20h através do Youtube ou Facebook (com tradução simultânea para o português).

Jim fundou mais de 26 empresas de sucesso, foi vice-presidente sênior da FranklinCovey, fundador do The Ritchie Group L.C, palestrante, professor universitário, fundador da iniciativa Launching Leaders, entre outras grandes realizações ao longo de sua vida.

James W. Ritchie’s Brief Biography

Over the last 40 years, Jim Ritchie has been part of various successful business ventures, including serving as Senior V.P. for Franklin Quest (now Franklin Covey). He is a member of BYU President’s Leadership Council for both Provo and Hawaii, a member of the NAC for the Marriott School of Business, and has served as an adjunct professor at Provo. He has also served as a Board member and NAC advisor to Southern Virginia University. Ritchie and wife Carolyn Orton have spent seventeen years serving full time in Church service on four continents, which has included serving as Bishop, Stake President in Simi Valley, Mission President in Roanoke, Missionary Training Center President in Ghana, Institute Director in New Zealand, CES Area Director in Africa and Regional Representative in the Provo Region. The Ritchies have eight children and thirty-eight grandchildren. Jim and Carolyn recently returned from a three-year volunteer assignment serving at BYU–Hawaii as the Director of the Willes Center for International Entrepreneurship. He is also the Founder of Ritchie Enterprises LLC that began in 1968.

Os links do evento serão enviados durante essa semana.


  • Leandro Brum

    Church of Jesus Christ


  • Daniel Fermino da Silva

    Sanegeo Engenharia

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    Algarte Ribas Advocacia

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    Advocacia Geral da União

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    Trimble Inc.

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    Antares Informática

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