Nov. 8, 2023 Luncheon with Matt Lindstrom, CFA, CPA, Partner at Mountain Pacific Investment Advisers

Nov 8, 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)


Come learn from an experienced investment adviser about planning for your financial future (including IRAs, QCDs, DAFs, Trusts, donating appreciated securities etc.). Matt will also address his current role as Chair of the BYU Alumni Association Boise Chapter and discuss the benefits and opportunities available to both the BYU Alumni Association and the BYU Management Society.

About this event

We are pleased to announce a BYU Management Society luncheon for November 8th with Matt Lindstrom as our speaker. Matt has a wealth of knowledge about financial planning and we're grateful for his willingness to share that with us.  He also currently serves as the Chair of the BYU Alumni Association Boise Chapter and will discuss how the BYU Alumni Association and the BYU Management Society can work together here in the Boise area.  The luncheon is scheduled to start at 12:00 p.m. at the office of Eide Bailly LLP, located at 877 W. Main St., Ste. 800 (Wells Fargo Building) in Boise. Lunch tickets are available for purchase or you can attend for free without purchasing a lunch ticket.  We're excited to see you there!

BYU Management Society:

The BYU Management Society is a global Society supported by Brigham Young University and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Boise Chapter of the BYU Management Society welcomes all who would be interested in attending events whether a BYU graduate or not. There is no annual membership fee to attend the lunches.

These luncheons are a great networking opportunity to get to know others in the community. We are grateful to Eide Bailly LLP for providing a nice venue to meet in.  


  • Matt Lindstrom

    Mountain Pacific Investment Advisers




Wednesday, November 8, 2023
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (UTC)


  • Larry Willes


    Past President

  • Jason Lindstrom

    Eide Bailly LLP

    Chapter President

  • Michelle Ogden



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