Gospel Roots to Achieving Work-Life Balance

Oct 14, 2022, 6:45 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

San Diego

Brad Owens (PhD, University of Washington) is a Professor of Business Ethics in the Marriott School of Management and a Stuart L. Grow Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Brigham Young University. His research has been covered in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the BBC. He will be speaking on Gospel Roots to Achieving Work-Life Balance.

About this event

Brad Owens (PhD, University of Washington) is a Professor of Business Ethics in the Marriott School of Management and a Stuart L. Grow Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Brigham Young University. His research has been covered in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the BBC. He has been a guest on the Art of Manliness podcast and the keynote speaker for the West Point Leadership Conference (West Point, NY, Nov. 2017), Redstone Residential Leadership Summit (Park City, UT, September 2019) and the Fearless Leadership Conference (Dallas, TX, May, 2019). He also has served as an EFY instructor for seven years and is a frequent presenter at BYU's Education Week. He was recognized in 2022 as the Mid-Career Standout Scholar by the Network of Leadership Scholars of the Academy of Management and has published his research in outlets such as in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Management, and Journal of Business Ethics. Under the general umbrella of Positive Organizational Scholarship, his research focuses on the impact of leader humility on individuals and teams, ethical leadership, and neurological roots to leading effectively. Brad's teaching interests include business ethics, organizational behavior, and leadership. He resides in Orem, Utah with his wife and three daughters.

The title of the presentation will be "Gospel Roots to Achieving Work-Life Balance."



Friday, October 14, 2022
6:45 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


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